Too Afraid

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I saw you in the courtyard today,
Practicing diligently away,

Swinging your sword,
With a force greater than the mightiest lord,
Snapping your bow,

Letting an arrow fly,
High, high into the sky,
I know where it flew, I know its mark

It pierced violently, directly into my heart.
I watch you all the time,
Meekly, quietly admiring you.

Shivering at the sight of my hero,
Your golden hair,
Blowing softly in the cool air,

Your sapphire eyes,
Deeper blue than the vastest of skies,
Full of kindness, strength, and love,

A heart of gold, as gentle as a dove,
But you're so powerful,
Oh, oh so strong.

Yet you touch me as softly,
As the sound of the ocarina you love.
I could go on and on,

Explaining the reasons why I long
For you to take me into your arms,
And hold me and kiss me until the end of life—of this dance and song.

But my reasons aren't important,
They're irrelevant as algae in the sea,
Because you could never love me.

I watch you quietly,
Too afraid to let you see

Just how enamored, enthralled I am with thee.

I saw you in the courtyard today,
Practicing diligently away.

You grunt and yell violently,
The sound of swords clashing echoing through the valley,
Your voice so loud, so angry, it's almost frightening to me,

Because you usually speak so, so gently.
You lead a harsh life, I know.
But when you are with me, you never let it show.

It's times like this when I can see—when you are away from me—
Just how hurt you are—how you don't want to live this way,
The blade is not for you; you are a gentle soul,

And I caused you to live this life,
To think, I have the nerve to wish me your wife,
I ruined your world, yet I still hope futilely,

That maybe I can make you love me.
I watch your locks stick slightly to your brow,
You pant and your chest heaves, yet you will not stop now,

Because you think you have some duty,
Some duty to protect me,
A petty engagement, a deal to keep with the goddesses who your soul do keep.

I should not be here, but I still watch thee,
I can't look away from your beautiful body,
I can't take my ears from your perfect voice--I can't look away; I have no choice.

I love you so much,
But I'm too afraid,
Too afraid of what you might say,

To the woman who took away every day,
Of the life you could have had in the forest, away
Away from the pain and the fighting and swordplay,

So I watch you quietly,
Too afraid to let you see
Just how enamored, enthralled I am with thee.

I'll watch you again in the courtyard today,
And I'll remain silent, too afraid to say,

I love you, Hero of Time,
Please come take me away.

~Princess Zelda

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