West Hyrule Field

Eldin Volcano can be found in the northwest corner of the map. We haven't fully explored the western portion of Hyrule Field yet, so there are a number of collectibles that can be picked up on the way. Start by warping to Hyrule Ranch. Start riding west until you reach a large cave. Enter it to find a Moblin camp. Clear out the enemies and open the chest to find 3 Might Crystals.

To the southwest of this cave you can find some grass that is shaped suspiciously like an arrow. Cut down the clump of grass that it's pointing at to find 1 Might Crystal.

Head north from here and you'll find a pool of water inhabited by some Octoroks. Take out the enemies with a Chompfin or Peahat echo. You can then build a tower of water blocks to reach the center platform where you'll find Piece of Heart #20, which should grant you another heart container if you've been following along.

Just to the west of this pool of water is a waypoint you can activate. Hop onto the dry cliff to the west where you'll see some Mini Moldorms scurrying about. Clear them out and then speak with the acorn guy.

This will kick off another Acorn Gathering minigame where you'll need to collect all 16 acorns in less than 1 minute. The trick is to just go in one big loop without missing any of the acorns. You'll need to build a water block tower or use a Crawltula to reach the acorn on the higher cliff. If you do it in less than 40 seconds, you'll get a Steel Trap. This item will be useful for one of Dampe's Automatons later.

From here continue north and use a Crawltula to get on the higher cliffs. On the highest cliff to the left you'll see a single rock. Pick it up to find 1 Might Crystal underneath. Keep heading straight north and you'll also find Stamp Stand #12 up here.

There is a cave in this area, but if you enter it you'll see some boulders blocking your path seemingly preventing you from gathering the visible heart piece. Outside of the cave you'll see a bare patch of grass that you can use a Holmill to dig into. This will let you reach the other side of the cave and gather Piece of Heart #21. From this side you can bind to the boulders and escape the cave.

Just to the east of this you'll see a large boulder that is sort of wedged into a crevice in the cliff. You'll need to move this up and over the other cliffs to get the treasure beneath. You can do this by building a water block tower and then binding to the boulder. You can then swim up and lift the boulder up and out. You can then collect Piece of Heart #22 from beneath it.

Head east along the cliffs and you'll eventually come to a cliff that has a circle of rocks surrounding a stone you can pick up. Underneath it you will find 1 Might Crystal. To the northeast of this you can find a Business Scrub, so feel free to craft some smoothies if you'd like. Just outside of town you'll find Stamp Stand #13.
Kakariko Village

Enter Kakariko Village, a place that is very familiar to Zelda fans. You can activate the waypoint to the left just past the gate. Approach the soldier in town and he'll tell you about a rift that has formed on Eldin Volcano near Goron City.

Before heading that way, there's some people it town that we can help out. Speak to the woman outside of the of the pen to start the "Cuccos on the Loose" side quest. This one may be awfully familiar if you've played Ocarina of Time. You'll need to gather the 5 missing Cuccos from around town and bring them back to the pen. Here are their locations:
- In the pool of water right next to the Cucco lady.
- On a cliff to the west of the gate leading into town.
- Directly behind the gate leading into town.
- Next to the graveyard in the northwest of town.
- On top of the windmill in the northeast of town.

Once you pick up a Cucco you can use it to glide in the air, which is particularly useful for the Cucco on the windmill. Once you return all five of the Cuccos to the pen you'll get Fairy Bottle #3 as a reward.

Speak to the old man on the east side of town who is looking for his lost cat. He tells you about a set of Cat Clothes that can be used to speak to the local feline. This starts the "Questioning the Local Cats" side quest. Speak to the lady outside the store in town and she'll agree to give you the clothes if you dig something up from underneath the cat near the windmill.

Head to the windmill in the northeast of town. Use a grilled fish echo to lure the cat away from its spot. Use can then use a Holmill to dig where it was sitting to find the secret stash. The lady will come trade you the Cat Clothes for it right away. Note that these are different color variant from the Black Cat Clothes that you may have gotten from using an amiibo, but they can be used in the same way.

Equip the cat clothes and speak to the cat next to the windmill. They don't know anything, so we'll need to find another cat who might have a clue. There is another windmill in the northwest of town that another cat is perched on top of. Use a water block tower to get up there and speak to this cat. She suggests that the old man's cat is on top of a tree near the east entrance of the village.

Follow the road to the east out of Kakariko Village for awhile and you'll see the missing cat sleeping on a tree. Speak to it and it will return home to its owner. Before we head back, there's actually a few goodies we can pick up to the east of town here. The first is in the cave just to the north.

You can navigate this cave by using a Caramidillo echo to take out the spools that roll down the hill at you. Wrap up and around this little maze until you get to the switch on the right side. Give it a whack and it will open a door leading to a treasure chest. You can open that chest to get a golden egg.

The heart piece in the cave that you saw as you passed by isn't accessible via the main entrance. Instead, there is a spot you can dig into with a Holmill on the cliff above. This will lead you to a little alcove where you can pick up Piece of Heart #23. Then continue to the right to exit the cave.

From this cave head just to the northwest where you'll spot the Acorn Guy again. Speak to him to participate in another Acorn Gathering minigame. You'll need to gather all 11 acorns in the small loop on the nearby trees. If you clear it in less than 25 seconds you'll get 20 rupees as well as Piece of Heart #24.

We can now head back to town and speak to the old man who's cat has returned. You'll get 10 bunches of refreshing grapes. This may seem like an underwhelming reward, but remember that we also go the cat clothes as part of this quest, which will be useful for another quest later on.

Pay a visit to the graveyard in town and you'll notice a bare patch of ground on the west side. Use a Holmill to dig here and you'll find 1 Might Crystal. In the center of town you'll notice a covered well. Bind to the cover and you can move it to the side and hop down into the well. You'll find a chest down here containing 3 bunches of refreshing grapes.

Check out the building on the west side of town, which is the Slumber Dojo. Here you can participate in battles in your own dreams and get rewards for completing them within the goal time. You can spend as little or as much time here as you'd like for now. The main thing worth doing is completing two of the trainings to get Piece of Heart #25.
Eldin Volcano Trail

It wouldn't be a bad idea to craft a few fire-proof potions using some Chilly Cactus before leaving town to the north on Eldin Volcano Trail. Before heading left on the main path, take a detour and build a water block tower to the right. Follow this path to the right and you'll see a cracked rock you can blow up with a bombfish. Inside this small cave is a treasure chest that contains 6 monster fangs.

Head back to the left to the main path and follow it all the way to a cave entrance. This first room is full of Beetles, but you can just ignore them if you'd like. The second room is more of the same, but at the end of this room is a treasure chest containing 5 rocktatoes. You can then exit the cave onto a higher area on the trail.

There are some rock walls that you'll need to climb to the left. There's a new enemy that patrols walls like this: a Torch Slug. It moves slowly but leaves a trail of lava in its path. Before trying to move past it you can summon several Crow echoes to take it out from the ground and then learn the Torch Slug echo.

On this higher ledge to the right you can find another new enemy: the Lizalfos. They have a camp here, so you'll need to defeat all of them to unlock the treasure chest that contains 3 Might Crystals. Make sure to learn the Lizalfos echo as well.

On the ledge above you'll find another waypoint to activate. From here drop off the ledge to the left where you'll see a cracked wall. Blow it up with a bombfish to find another small cave. Inside is a chest containing the fairy flower accessory.

Head back to the waypoint and cliimb the rock wall. Once on the ledge you'll see a torch slug patrolling back and forth above another small rock wall. Bind to this torch slug and follow it so that it will take you to the ledge to the left. Here you'll find Piece of Heart #26.

Head back to the right to continue on the path and you'll see some vents shooting hot steam along the wall. You can place boulders in front of these to block them if you have solid ground beneath you. When you get to the gap you can simply jump across when they stop shooting steam. Watch for falling rocks here and block the next few steam vents. You can then enter the next cave.

Inside this cave you'll find a new flying enemy called a Ghirro. They will try to blow you off the ledge with a gust of wind. If you have the Gold Sash accessory make sure to equip it to prevent them from blowing you around at all. Make sure to defeat one and learn the Ghirro echo as well.

You'll want to make use of this new Ghirro echo to navigate this cave. You can hold on to a Ghirro and it will turn around and then blow a gust of wind that lets you glide in the direction it was facing when you first picked it up. Use this ability with the floor vents to make it over the gap. Take the steam vent up to the higher ledge and use another Ghirro to reach a small platform to the northwest where you'll find a chest containing a monster stone.

Back on the main path you'll see three torches that block a rock wall. Use a Ghirro to blow out these torches and then you can climb right along the wall and exit the cave. Scale the rock walls to the right, avoiding or defeating the torch slugs along the way. You'll find a platform with a chest containing a monster stone as you do.

From this platform you'll see another large rock wall lined with mini-moldorms. You can summon some torch slug echoes to take these out and safely climb the wall. Once you reach the top you'll find a hot spring where you can get healed up. Next to it you'll see Stamp Stand #14.

Head to the left and you'll see another waypoint to activate. You can then head up the stairs to see your first Goron. He's panicking because a rift has swallowed up most of Goron City, including the new chief Darston. He'll lead you inside where Tri can make an entrance to the rift.
Stilled Goron City

Go ahead and enter the Stilled Goron City rift. Here you'll need to find four groups of Tri's friends. You'll notice straight away that something is shooting bombs at you. Head to the right and then up above and you'll see a Zirro, a relative of the Ghirro. Instead of shooting wind this one shoots bombs. Use a flock of crows to defeat it and then learn the Zirro echo.

Take the ladder in the goron pot to enter a sublevel. You'll want to use a Zirro in here to spew bombs and destroy the cracked blocks. You can pick up these bombs and throw them without worrying about being damaged as well. At the bottom of this rock wall you'll find the first group of Tri's friends. You can then exit this sublevel.

Drop down from here onto the two brown rocks to the left and you'll see the second group of friends on a small platform with a shadow mini-moldorm. Hop over there and defeat it and rescue the friends. Head forward and up along these rock walls, using water blocks to fill in the gaps to where you can't reach. Climb all the way to the left to the highest platform and you'll find the third group of Tri's friends.

From up here you can see the final group of Tri's friends and jump down to reach them on a platform below. Tri will then mend the rift, restoring Goron City to its former glory. You'll also receive 2 Might Crystals as a reward.

Back in the restored Goron City you'll find a bunch of happy Gorons and get to meet Chief Darston. He is very grateful and pleased to meet you, but it turns out that some of the Goron elders are still missing. It seems like there may be some other rifts in the area that they might have got swallowed up in.

There's nothing to do in Goron City right now, so head back outside and speak to Darston again. He'll tell you about his late father and the slate of wisdom that he left behind for him. He then asks for your help to find the missing elders at the Rock-Roast Quarry and Lizalfos Burrow.
Rock-Roast Quarry

Begin heading west along the path from Goron City, dodging bombs from Zirros in this area. Once you pass the bridge you can start heading north up the rocky slopes. Build a water block tower next to the tall cliff to the right to reach Piece of Heart #27.

Continue heading west and you'll find the entrance to the quarry and a waypoint you can activate. Before heading in check out the rock in the lava to the right and learn the lava-rock echo.

Head south from the entrance and you'll run into many enemies, including some Lizalfos and some Fire Octo. These are Octoroks that live in lava and shoot balls of fire. Make sure to defeat one and learn the Fire Octo echo. You can use flying enemies to defeat the Fire Octos in the lava. You can then place a lava-rock to reach Stamp Stand #15 on a small platform in the lava to the right.

You can now enter the Rock-Roast Quarry to the north. Darston will catch up to you in here and will speak to Elder Gol, who is too hungry to give us any information. Head to the left and you'll find a new enemy on a the small platforms: a Tweelus. This is a many version of a Talus. They can be defeated with Darknut or Ball-and-Chain Trooper echo. Make sure to learn the Tweelus echo as well.
Follow the path to the back of the quarry where you'll see Darston struggling to choose from all the rock-roasts. Make sure to learn the rock-roast echo while you're here. You can also head south a bit and open the chest to get 5 rocktatoes.

Now simply bring one of the rock-roasts to the other Gorons by tossing it over the lava gaps. You'll need to repeat this process again with a real rock-roasts, an echo won't do the trick. Luckily Darston will bring the final one over for you. Unfortunately even with a full belly Elder Gol doesn't know anything about the shortcut we are after, he just points us in the direction of Elder Silv instead.
Lizalfos Burrow

There is a shortcut we can take straight to Lizalfos Burrow by going over the cliff where we picked up the heart piece earlier. You'll find a waypoint to activate here. There are many enemies in this area. It might be best to summon a flock of crows around you to thin them out.

Before entering the cave, check out the right side of this lava lake and take the slope up the cliff. You'll notice a heart piece on the platform to the right. You can build a bed ladder or water block bridge to reach the platform and pick up Piece of Heart #28. You can then use a flying tile echo and ride it to the south to escape this platform.

You can now enter the main cave, which is Lizalfos Burrow. Darston will catch up with you once inside and you'll find Elder Silv cowering in fear. They ran into some shadow Lizalfos and are now hiding from them. It will of course be our job to take care of them for these Gorons.

Proceed in the cave and you'll find a few Lizalfos in the next room. They can be taken out with a Darknut echo. There is also a treasure chest that contains 5 rocktatoes. In the next room are two stronger Lizalfos. You can take them out with a Darknut echo and swordfighter form pretty easily. Once they are defeated make sure to learn the Lizalfos Lv. 2 echo.

In this narrow hallway there's another Lv. 2 Lizalfos to deal with as well as a Fire Keese. Most echoes you send at it will just get burned, so you can just take it out with a well timed swordfighter jump slash. You can then learn the Fire Keese echo.

In the next room you'll find the group of shadow Lizalfos mentioned before. Darston will plan a sneak attack that takes out some of them by causing some boulders to fall from above. The rest can then be taken out with a Lizalfos echo of your own and some swordfighter form.

You'll then be taken back to Elder Silv. Unfortunately, he doesn't remember the shortcut either. Darston suggests we head back to Goron City and try to get more info out of them. You can warp back over there and find the elders already in conversation. Here they remember that there might be a hidden path in the chief's room.
Eldin Volcano

Follow Darston to his room upstairs where you'll see the portrait of his father clearly blocking the path. Bind to the bolt holding it up on the right side and yank it out to destroy the portrait and reveal the path. In the next room, you'll need to get over the pool of lava. The easiest way is riding a flying tile echo.

In the next room, you'll want to use a combination of the air vents in the ground and a Ghirro echo to fly around the room and progress. Once you reach the higher area, you can start placing lava rock echoes to get across the pits of lava. At the end of this room you'll need to place a lava rock on the pillar of rising lava to get up and take the ladder.

In this 2D sublevel, you'll need to cross the pools of lava by choosing where to place lava rocks. As a rule, you should place a lava rock if there isn't one in jumping distance ahead of you, otherwise you should just jump to the one ahead of you. You'll have to place some lava rocks on the lava pillars and jump over some lava pillars to make this work. At the end of the bottom floor you'll find a chest containing 50 rupees.

Now return to the right and place a lava rock on the lava pillar that shoots up way higher than the others. Ride this up and you'll find the ladder exit to the sublevel. In the next room Darston will somehow catch up. There is a giant rock in your way, so Darston will use his Goron strength to smash it up. He'll also destroy the slate of wisdom in the process, realizing he doesn't need to rely on it to be a good chief.
Stilled Eldin Volcano

After that touching moment, you can continue ahead to find a waypoint and have Tri create an entrance to the rift. This is the Stilled Eldin Volcano rift. In the first room you'll need to navigate the platforms and the pools of lava by placing lava rocks to get to the northeast corner of the room. From this area you can place a lava rock to reach the large platform to the right and take out the shadow enemies here. You can then open the treasure chest to get 4 rocktatoes.

You'll now want to use lava rocks to navigate all the way to the left side of this area. You'll see a platform to the left that you can reach with a water block bridge. Here you'll find a chest that contains 50 rupees. You can then bulid a water block tower to reach the climbing wall ahead. You'll find a waypoint you can activate to the right.

Continue to the left from here and drop down to the lower platforms. You can ignore the enemies to the left and just use a Ghirro echo and the air vents to glide over to the patlforms to the north. There is a wall of lava pillars to the right. Grab another Ghirro and use the air vent to get some height so that you can glide all the way to the right. There's a platform in the middle that you can take a break on if needed. You'll land in front of the entrance to the next dungeon. We'll tackle that in the next part.
Back to Minor Rifts Continue to Eldin Temple