LEGO Legend of Zelda: King of Red Lions Play Set Needs Support

Home > LEGO Legend of Zelda: King of Red Lions Play Set Needs Support

Zelda Wind Waker Legos

We have reported about other Zelda inspired LEGO sets passing the support phase over at the LEGO's site; however, they never became an actual product. Well, a new Zelda inspired set - King of Red Lions - has hit the LEGO's site and is only around 2,000 supporters from passing the initial stages of the process. The set is inspired by The Wind Waker HD and only has 35 days left to reach the 10,000 support goal. Do you want to help make it a reality? Well, go over and support it!

About the Author: Austin Dickson

Austin Dickson has been around the Zelda fandom for years. He started Link's Hideaway as a small personal project, which later turned into something of which he never thought possible. He enjoys writing articles, guides, walkthroughs, and developing the different Concealed Gaming network sites.

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