Technical Difficulties Don't Stop Aonuma From Adding New Elements in Zelda Games

Home > Technical Difficulties Don't Stop Aonuma From Adding New Elements in Zelda Games

Skyward Sword Screenshot

In a recent interview with GamesTM we got an interesting piece of information concerning the development of Zelda Games and how "technical difficulties" were "rarely" a "reason to avoid adding things to the game." Aonuma mentions the motion controls from Skyward Sword as an example saying he was originally "a little worried" about the "users" being upset with the innovation. Be sure to check out full quotes after the break...

"Although there may be technical difficulties, we rarely let that be a reason to avoid adding things to the game. In Skyward Sword, it was a technical challenge to make Link's sword swings match the motion controls completely and I was a little worried whether the users would be happy about this innovation. Enthusiast gamers often have strong attachments to traditional controls, but I believed that in the end many users would enjoy the unique gameplay and we went ahead with it."


About the Author: Austin Dickson

Austin Dickson has been around the Zelda fandom for years. He started Link's Hideaway as a small personal project, which later turned into something of which he never thought possible. He enjoys writing articles, guides, walkthroughs, and developing the different Concealed Gaming network sites.

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